Saturday 7 July 2007

Dreaming of Pooooo Part Un

I had a very unsettling dream the other night about faeces. I have to preface this entry by saying that it was not the first vivid dream I've had about sh*t. I've had another one that clings to my psyche. It was just as unsettling as this one, even though I had it more than six years ago. I'm not sure whether my latest unconscious drama was due, in part, to reading the musings of another blogger, whose young son had a bit of an accident with his poo whilst in training to put down the diapers, or whether I should believe the dreams website and its interpretation of what defecating in dreams really means.

Maybe I should get down and dirty and tell you about my dream. If you're even the slightest bit squeamish, you might want to skip this post and get straight to the Latin for the Day. Okay...I was in a bathroom that seemed somewhat familiar, but I couldn't automatically place it. It did, however, have one of those fluffy magenta-coloured bathrug and toilet lid cover ensembles - a harbinger of bad taste, if ever there was one, but worse than that, it was rug on yellow pile carpeting. Double the germs and double the places where poo can land and hide.

I had come into the bathroom to have a shower but I had the sensation that I needed to use the potty for number 2. I tried but failed to crap and so climbed into an incredibly comfortable shower - perfect temp, LOTS of water pressure and slightly darkened from the heavy fabric shower curtain blocking out the light. As I was soaping up I could sense myself having a poo in the shower. I was immediately embarrassed and afraid of being found out. I caught as much of the crap as I could and threw it into the toilet beside the bathtub, but a lot of it got onto the tiles and on my forearms. It was the consistency of slippery fingerpaint and holding it and flipping it into the toilet felt similar to holding one of those sausagey-balloons filled with water that slip out of your hands and onto the floor. I couldn't enjoy the rest of my shower because I was trying desperately to clean the tiles, curtain and tub. Finally, the dream came to an end as others were trying to get into the bathroom to take their showers - I think that we were all headed out for dinner and I was holding up the works by pooping in the shower. What does it mean? Does it portend any events that I might want to tread through carefully? Can I think of any other silly double entendres or puns pertaining to sh*t? No. Okay. Part Deux to follow


Janet Kincaid said...

Part Deux to follow? Good. Nice pun, Aitch. Nice!

As for portending things to tread lightly 'round, well, who's to say? But it does make one hyperaware, doesn't it?

Some dreams I just brush off as odd dreams. The ones I pay attention to, though, are the ones that evoke emotion for me. Those ones I look at more closely and try to ascertain their larger meaning. The subconscious works in interesting ways and dreams can be either our harbinger or our window into what has effected us previously and therefore makes us tick.

Here's hoping, in this case, though, that this dream is only just a poopy one and nothing to anticipate...

Of course, that said, perhaps what it portends is an opportunity to risk in ways that might shake you out of your comfort zone and into something new and exciting....

Ah, the possibilities.

Sister Mary Lisa said...

I have one simple question (I haven't read Part Deux yet, but love the pun as well...):

Have you ever had a very vivid dream where you were going potty, and you wake up only to discover you actually DID go potty? I did that when I was way too old not to have known better had I been conscious.

You can thank your lucky stars that didn't happen to you in this instance.

hm-uk said...

SML - Yes, I have had a dream like that but I think the last time it happened was in 93 or 94, so I was still in my 20's. I'm confident to say that I'm fully housebroken now that I've reached my late 30's.