Monday 7 January 2008

Free From Fear

Sister Mary Lisa has had some guest posts on her blog as of late, writing about what they would do if only they were free from fear. I thought I would share one of my favourite songs of the moment, aptly titled 'F.E.A.R.', by the singer that put 'man' in Manchester, Ian Brown. Here is 4:05 minutes' worth of another perspective of fear -


Angie K. Millgate said...


I LOVED this song... I was one of the guest bloggers on Sister Mary Lisa's "A Life Without Fear" invitation. It brought out amazing things in me. I really appreciated this line from the song: "Forget Everything And Remember... For Everything A Reason." Huge impact here in good ole Salt Lake!


Thanks for posting.

(or Abgue as I am known over at JMT's place!) :)

ps... I would like to add you to my blog roll so I remember to check by often. Do you mind?

hm-uk said...

Thanks Phoenix,

I remember reading your post. It takes a lot of guts to put your fears down for the world to see. I'm not sure if I'm that courageous, yet.

I don't mind if you add me to your blogroll, but I have to warn you that my blog doesn't get updated as often as I'd like. I think I've 'bored' off some readers who see weeks go by without a word from me. Ah well, it will be good to have you drop by, if you wish!
Tarrah, Aitch