Sunday 19 August 2007

A More Optimistic Al Gore

Hello Everyone,

Just thought you might want to see a great little movie on youtube. Oft times, we are so inundated with doom and gloom scenarios that tell us our planet is going to hell in a handbasket. This little short is a bit different. It's been made for a Friends of the Earth film competition. If it touches you to think that we can make a difference and we do have the power to turn around the mess we've helped create, then maybe you'll leave a general/anonymous comment on youtube saying that you've enjoyed the film. Also, you can see the films that others have made for this same competition and see their input to this important topic.

It's important that as many people from around the world get involved in this project, so if you know of someone who might enjoy seeing the films, direct them to the youtube site. Also, iif you would like to make a general comment on any of the films, you will need to have a 'free' youtube account, however, you are welcome to view the films without requiring an account. I think Al Gore would be suitably impressed.



Anonymous said...

Wow! There are some great vidoes out there. Here's hoping the message gets through.

We just had an entire conversation this afternoon with a friend, who works for a highly respected and very credible ENGO, about how to move the average American to demand changes that are good for the environment, especially when Americans are so geared toward instant gratification and their consumer attention span only lasts long enough to get to the next, latest and greatest gizmo.

Or, as my friend Wry put it while visiting the States last month, "This level of consumerism isn't sustainable." I hope she's right, for all our sakes.

hm-uk said...

I thought you'd like those vids...there are some clever ideas out there.

I doubt that the average Joe is moved by serious levels of shame or guilt, but if they were motivated by the thought that they COULD make a difference, then I think it would hit home to a lot more people. Just fyi, the shameless linking to this particular movie is to support the director (and FOE, of course). Another fyi, the goddess in the movie is Emma Thompson's mother, who lends her dulcet tones to the, eh?